Monday, December 29, 2014

Shocked! Shocked, I say!

On my online Shelfari bookclub, Bibliophiles, we were asked to list our faves and least fave books for 2014. When I did a quick search on my ratings for 2014, I was SHOCKED!!

I only listed THREE books with 5 looks in the entire year! Here they are:

The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry by Rachel Joyce
Haiku Mama by Kari Anne Roy
The Fault in Our Stars by John Green

I can't even believe it. What gives?

Am I choosing unwisely?

Am I becoming more discerning?

I had a LOT of 2 look ratings, but no 1 stars.

A lot of 2 look. Really, too many to list. You can search on the "2 looks" tag to see them.

I am going to have to think about this!


  1. Lol
    I had too many 4.5/5 star books yet I felt like I hardly read anything. Was I too generous with my ratings?

  2. I've had the same for 2014--although I don't even know if I had ANY 5 star ratings (I don't rate books). Hope that 2015 is much better for both of us!! ;)

  3. I had lots of 4-5 star ones as well.
    I don't think of it as being too generous. I think of it as loving books and getting really excited about it! LOL

    Maybe you are just getting more picky about the books you read - nothing wrong with that!
