Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The Hound of the Baskervilles by Arthur Conan Doyle

What's the real truth behind the legend of the hound of the Baskervilles? Is it really a devil-beast with crushing teeth and supernatural strength that's haunting the lonely moors? Enter Sherlock Holmes' world to find the answer, in this, the only full-length novel ever written by the creator of one of the most popular and enduring detective series ever written.

My take: 3 looks
It was good, but not great. One of the most popular and enduring detective series ever written? Well, I would rather read an Agatha Christie, I think. I still think about Ten Little Indians...

Don't get me wrong, I liked the book and enjoyed reading it, but it doesn't make me want to run out and get another Sherlock Holmes book. However, nor will it keep me from reading another one, should it be recommended.

As for recommending this one, I would say that yes, you should read it. If for nothing else than it is of some repute and should be added to your read list based solely on that merit.

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