Friday, June 15, 2012

The Book of Hours by T. Davis Bunn

Castle Priory is a crumbling Oxfordshire mansion, one Brian Blackstone's wife considered a place of extraordinary enchantment. But for Brian there is no enchantment, only the burden of trying to honor Sarah's dying wish that he hold onto the property. With the local doctor, Cecilia Keeble, Brian begins to explore the mysteries of the old estate. In the process he discovers a medieval secret which offers a key to renew his spirit and heal his broken heart. The power of prayer reaches through the centuries in a surprising and mysterious way…

My take: 3 looks
Gripping from the beginning, this was a very nice Christian fiction book. It was not in the least heavy handed, as Christian fiction so very often is, but was more concerned with the story telling than the proselytizing.

I found many spiritual truths in the book, and the characters were real and flawed. I am looking forward to reading my next Davis Bunn book.

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